歡迎來到周太后風水日誌 Introduction to Master Fung Shui

歡迎大家來到周太后的網上日誌, 與我一起論盡古今風水理據, 實例, 趣聞, ......如你有什麼風水命理的問題,不妨留話,歡迎指教...

Welcome to the Master Fung Shui Blogsite where you will find answers and interesting readings about Fung Shui away from your ordinary phoney pooh-pahs... All your questions are welcome and all your comments will be read. Fung Shui is not about fancy hairdo-s and posh cars, not about making things sounding mysterious and definitely not trying to become a celebrity magazine fodder, read on and you may find something useful to you too. I look forward to your questions. Answers can be either in English or Chinese... All parties welcome.


2007年7月21日 星期六


最近我們經常關注名流子孫的新聞, 但是大家又不妨估計香港下一代的人中之龍是在香港什麼地方出生? 又會是以什麼才能成為新一代的傳奇人物?

The Next Legend to Come...
We try to stay positive for the future these days and let's keep our fingers crossed that our future generation will live in hope and not despair. Where in Hong Kong do you think our next Hong Kong Legend will be born? What will make him/her stand out to make another Hong Kong Story?

2 則留言:

john 提到...

excuse me, 四字測命, 請問揮鞭羊腸點解?

周太后 提到...

幸會, 恕周太后直言:

- 姓名內有"耳仔"(打不到) 或 木 或 水 或 金

- 家中兄弟姊妹共有3位或以上
- 自小離鄉別井(離開出生地)
- 你左胸/手上有一塊天生的記號
- 看落有雙親, 但只有一人
- 有智慧, 有見識

以上錯對, 不妨找我詳談.