歡迎來到周太后風水日誌 Introduction to Master Fung Shui

歡迎大家來到周太后的網上日誌, 與我一起論盡古今風水理據, 實例, 趣聞, ......如你有什麼風水命理的問題,不妨留話,歡迎指教...

Welcome to the Master Fung Shui Blogsite where you will find answers and interesting readings about Fung Shui away from your ordinary phoney pooh-pahs... All your questions are welcome and all your comments will be read. Fung Shui is not about fancy hairdo-s and posh cars, not about making things sounding mysterious and definitely not trying to become a celebrity magazine fodder, read on and you may find something useful to you too. I look forward to your questions. Answers can be either in English or Chinese... All parties welcome.


2009年1月27日 星期二

初三新年賽馬 風生水起

去年李居士貼的"2,6,8", 今年麥居士貼的"1,6,8"乃小兒科風水, 3歲細路都懂好意頭號碼. 麥居士指今年蛇年騎師最旺, 但真奇怪, 王志偉, 韋達屬蛇的郤被罰停賽. 風水是結合天時地利人和的學問, 很多都未能用科學能解釋, 信不信由你.

1.牛年最利名中有"水"及"廿(草花頭)"的騎師, 尤其以屬雞, 豬, 鼠, 虎的表現最特出, 屬龍, 猴的表現就普通.
2. 大家不妨留意一些冷Q, 例如: 黎海榮. 梁明偉
3. 沈集成人紅, 係人都想作佢錢, 年尾惹官非, 乃是財劫. 他的名中帶"水", 踏入牛年將會逢凶化吉, 繼續鴻運當頭.
